The 11th Doctor: I'm being extremely clever up here and there's no one to stand around looking impressed, whats the point in having you all!"

Sunday 15 May 2011

Hidden Message and Video on the Official Doctor Who Website

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 This is new news to me, after blog walking though other doctor who blogs i came across this bit of news from whoviannet, but apparently after every new epidose of series 6 of series there have been hidden messages and videos on the official doctor who website
and this week one has apeared again
On The Doctor’s Wife episode guide section there is a cryptic message which
includes the cryptic message: “To see what I saw click on the spot beyond the Doctor’s home planet”. But this time there’s more! As we all know, the Doctor’s home planet is Gallifrey, which is the last word on the Fourth Dimension tab. If you click on the full stop after it, you’re taken here.  So go on take a look see what you think
Very Interesting indeed
Thanks to for this article

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